Aku makin suka dgn WW neh!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Youtube stars
*baru sedar dr faint mlm td bile Anwar Hadi replied me on twitter!*
haha..yer la tuh!seriously, sesape yg masih tak tau lagi pasal mamat name Anwar Hadi neh, memang la rugi..da star da die skrg, beb! dapat 3 awards lg kat Digi Wwwow Awards 2011, “Must Follow Personality”, “Video of the Year”, and “Blogger of the Year”...
actually, ade a few lagi stars yg ade kat youtube..ok, kite ketepikan talents yg ala2 Yuna tuh...yg macam tu, memang oarng senang nak suka.. nie yang suka upload home making video nie..kalau video tuh merapu, orang xtengok, betul tak? and nak hasilkan video yang best bukan la 1 keja senang, betul tak @IniAnwarHadi n @matluthfi90? satu pengakuan yg sangat iklas...I sukeeee la kat you, Anwar Hadi...*cakap sambil muka tersipu2 mintak sepak* errkkkk???tak lah, suka dgn videos youtube die...*jadi fall in love bila dia ckp loghat utagha..ohh!!~faint again~*
haishh...ckp banyak pun xguna...try la layan videos kat channel beliau... channel IniAnwarHadi..besides, try layan channel matluthfi90 gak..memang terbaik la mereka berdua neh!!ader jer idea dorang kan....kalau korang rajin godek2 youtube tuh, ramai lagi talents yg ade besides these 2 stars nie.. ade videos yg agak merapu, ade gak yg berfaedah..ikut lah selera korang nk layan yg camne..as for me, I layan vids Anwar Hadi jewwww...*memang mintak sepak budak neh!*
p/s: for those yg xtau, I memang senang jatuh cinta dgn org yg ckp loghat utagha...alahai, Anwar Hadi...heart..heart..heart! :D :D *dangggg!!!*
my liFe
Monday, July 18, 2011
Bila2 jer..dalam hidup korang, kalau even just terdetik yg korang nie unlucky..or having a bad luck..or terasa cm loser..or whatever lah negative thought yg ade dalam pale otak korang...korang patut try tengok both videos kat bawah nie...enjoice!
mcm Nick Vujicic ckp (translate) "jangan terlalu fokus dengan ape yg kite harap kite ade tapi, hargailah n guna apa yang kita dah ada sekarang"...die ade 1001 reasons utk xberjaya, utk salahkan takdir, utk xbuat ape2 pun dalam hidup! tapi, die pilih utk lawan kekurangan diri die tuh n buktikan kat dunia yg die pun boleh buat ape yg orang normal boleh! sekaligus, bagi motivasi kat seluruh dunia...aku kagum ngn beliau..
aku percaya, pd masa depan, adik Tae Ho nie pun bakal jd macam Nick Vujicic gak klu parents die n masyarakat terus support die.... May God bless both of u!
aku percaya, pd masa depan, adik Tae Ho nie pun bakal jd macam Nick Vujicic gak klu parents die n masyarakat terus support die.... May God bless both of u!
my liFe
Friday, July 8, 2011
26 and more to come!!!
Okey, today is not my birthday...but, tomorrow yes!!! I'll be 26..uikksss...dah banyak dah umur aku..Alhamdulillah, masih diberi kesempatan utk menikmati hidup selama 26tahun.. bersyukur sangat! in this 2011, banyak sangat yg berlaku dalam hidup aku...
- selamat menamatkan pembelajaran dan menjadi manusia terpelajar yang lebih diajar supaya tak kurang ajar! hee~
- terussss jer dapat masuk GP200 sponsored by BNM..God blessed u, BNM, Mama Shikin, Coach2success!! this was a golden opportunity! out of 8k applicants all over M'sia, I'm 1 of the 200!
- habis jer GP200 terus attached kat ITD.
- will be at HSBC this coming 28th July...
and the lists will grow as the time pass by...........
and, hadiah besday in-advance were as follow......
erkkkk....yg nie xde sape nak kasi ker???
hahahahahahahahha....gurau jer weihhhh!!!LOL~
my liFe
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Tips kurus...
by Aizat Amdan.
1. Set jangkamasa nak kurus & target weight. ( Target saya: 75kg- 3 bln). Saya dulu 112kg.
2. Stop makan nasi, air bergas & fast food utk 3 bln ttu. Makan tiap2 4 jam..apa2 makanan yg kurang lemak, minyak dan kurang gula. Aizat dulu banyak makan benda-benda organik. Basically makanan PROSES aizat avoid.
3. Exercise 30 minit tiap2 hari..jogging,... swim,futsal, etc..ni tak boleh miss selama 3 bln.
4. Yang paling penting is self will and determination! Jangan mudah give up.
Will Smith pernah quote:
"When you run, you have this little voice in your head that tells you “I’m too tired, I have to stop running. If I only walk for a second I will regain my composure and can run again. I wish I could just sit down” (paraphrased in my own words). He says that if you can conquer this voice when running, you can conquer this voice in anything that you do in life."
Maknanya, berlari akan mengajar kita supaya tidak mudah 'give up'
Selalu bila jogging, Aizat akan challenge diri Aizat untuk sampai ke destinasi walaupun badan dah menjerit "PENAT! PENAT!" Its normal but think positive and counter. Make sure you reach your destination/goal. Kalau tak berjaya hari ini! cuba hari esok! Secara automatik dalam kehidupan pun serba sedikit dapat membantu Aizat not to give up and reach my dreams. Saya harap pesanan ini diambil dengan positive! :)
Insyallah Aizat akan update lagi from time to time.
Ihsan dari FB Aizat Amdan
Idea utk tulis this entry actually datang lepas baca blog my friend, Yaty. She's on diet too! soon, she'll naik pelamin..adatlah, bile dah namanya b2b, mesti la sibuk nak berdiet bagai..padahal, aku rasa Yaty tuh xde la gemuk pun nk compare ngn aku yg sah2 la...............haish...paham2 jer la..hee~
earlier, terbaca this notes write by Aizat at his FB.. isk...pesal dorang semua sibuk nau citer pasal diet bagai neh??!! bleh jadi bahan utk blog neh..hee~ camtu la mula2 idea tu keluar..selain itu (pesal bahasa skema keluar plak neh??), aku pun mengalami sedikit weight loss yang aku xplan langsung pun! around 4kgs gak la yg hilang tuh...gi mane,aku pun xtau..LOL!
bila baca ape yg Aizat tulis tuh, aku sure sgt klu korang ikut kompem kurus lah! masa msk training GP haritu, 1st month memang kitorang hari2 exercise..bukan 30min cm Aizat suggest tuh, tapi almost 1 1/2jam hokayyy!! memule belajar kawad, then belajar taekwon do plak...tapi, kitorang makan 6x sehari!!!camne nk kurus??!! tapi, secara tak diduga, aku lost 4kgs...aku pun xtau cmne...
2004 |
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2006 Now, I can wear that shirt again!!! but, not that jeans..yet! sobsobsob.... :( |
June 2010 |
June 2011 |
Ade beza tak???hee~
my liFe
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Tua Muda
Hujung minggu lepas, ramai betul artis-artis yg naik pelamin..eh, 3orang jer kott..ramai la tuh, lebih dr 1!!haha~
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Tomok & Ayu |
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Noh & Nina |
okeh, aku bukan nak cerita pasal artis2 yg kawen nie..tapi, korang perasan tak, both couples, perempuan lg tua dr lelaki?? Tomok, 28 & Ayu, 32... Noh, 27 & Nina, 30 (kalau tak salah la).. dah jd macam trend dah sekarang...
pendapat aku? aku ok jer...asalkan lelaki tuh ok! personally, untuk aku, aku boleh terima setakat 3tahun lebih muda jer...lebih dari tuh, susah sket...sebab nanti jelas sangat yg aku lagi tua...haha
to Tomok&Ayu, Noh&Nina, semoga berbahagia...Ayu & Nina, korang lah sumber inspirasi aku nk cari lelaki muda...haha..LOL!
credit gambar dari beautifulnara.com
my liFe
Monday, July 4, 2011
A Friend Like You....
A friend like you is like no other friend A friend like you is a friend i dont regret meeting A friend like you is like a friend i cant scream at or fight with A friend like you is like having no worries in my life A friend like you is a friend that i dont want to lose A friend like you is like being in comfort all day A friend like you is a friend i always wanted A friend like you is awesomly awesome A friend like you is random and funny A friend like you is a friend that i love to death and i will never let go A friend like you is a friend i can tell all my secrets to A friend like you.. A friend like you is like the little sister ive always wanted A friend that i can go to to tell them whats wrong A friend like you is like having no dark days because you brighten them up A friend like you is a friend that opens up my eyes and helps me avoid bad things A friend like you is a type of friend that laughs at dumb things i say or do A friend like you is a friend i am proud to call my best friend...
taken from here...
my fRiends
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