Thursday, February 24, 2011

Nak cepat jer!!

this is a very quick update! sorry guys, i'm very busy la sekarang. in fact, when blogspot auto publishing this entry, aku maybe tengah sangat sibuk layan customers kat warehouse sales by Karyaneka.

People around KL, or where ever u are..... kalau ada masa free, datang lah ke Hari Kraf Kebangsaan (HKK) kat Kompleks Kraf Jalan Conlay, KL (belakang Pavi jer!! sebelah Royale Chulan). Karyaneka punye warehouse sale ade kat belah belakang2 sket.. korang carik la "Rumah Buluh". the one n only!! HKK dah start semalam, akan launch hari nie. last day will be on 7th March.....

See ya!!!!

p/s: esok aku akan buat entry bergambar pasal "Rumah Buluh". doakan ade kelapangan waktu sebab esok aku  duk ofis jer. turn orang lain pulak jaga "rumah buluh".


  1. wah, best nye, dah ade wat sale x?? bleh lah masuk dalam report!! huu.. nway, how's ur presentation smlm??

  2. byk da sales!! ye la, warehouse sales..brg murah2..ramai ler org beli...BTW, miss xjd dtg smlm. die dtg nx week 2/3.. hehe
